In Xcode 6, new feature called "Size classes" have been introduced. The size classes are used for making the storyboard compatible for all iOS Devices(iPhone & iPad, even iPod) in both portrait as well as Landscape orientations. To set the size class: 1) Choose "Universal" option while creating the project. 2) Check the auto layout checkbox in Main.storyboard -> File Inspector -> "Use Auto Layout" 3) Check the size classes check box in Main.storyboard -> File Inspector -> "Use Size Classes". There are two types of size classes: Regular and Compact. Hence the different configurations(screen sizes) include, 1) wAny hAny - Base configuration 2) wCompact hRegular - iPhone Portrait 3) wCompact hCompact - iPhone Landscape 4) wRegular wAny - iPad Landscape and portrait On selecting the base configuration, the storyboard works the same in all devices. This can be viewed in "preview" option in the assis...